Discover the value of Trackit for your Oil & Gas sector

Services Company

Trackit makes it easier for you to provide services to your Oil & Gas clients.

Being Cloud Based Trackit allows greater levels of collaboration between you and the companies you are providing services to. Using Trackit will provide you and your clients with the following features and benefits:

  • The ability to see what is happening, in real-time, from anywhere in the world
  • The ability to self-manage and schedule your companies personnel on behalf of your client
  • No need to share files, spreadsheets, emails and phone calls to arrange and modify travel arrangements
  • The ability to run reports showing you passenger movements, exposure hours, flight times, numbers of flights, etc. as all data in the system is able to be exported, or output by API (in real-time)
  • Management of bumped passengers, including automated notifications by way or SMS and/or email alerts
  • The ability to provide an enhanced level of service for your clients by being able to more actively and efficiently participate in the travel plans associated with moving personnel and cargo offshore
  • No software, or extra hardware is required to allow you to use Trackit. All that is required is an active web browser which could be on a desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device

Using Trackit will result in reduced costs for your clients, along with an increased level of functionality for both your business and your clients.

Click Here for an overview of the Trackit modules